Tinkerbell or iPXE boot on OVH
Recently have had to work with a number of physical servers that need to be treated more cattle like than a bunch of pets. I need to be able to quickly and easily provision servers to fit a specific role with out having to go through a complicated setup process. For this type of thing PXE or iPXE comes to the rescue. Allowing you to boot over the network. Simply rebooting the machine and then having it pick up its instructions and be provisioned like needed.…
Decision Fatigue in 2020
This last couple of weeks I finally took some time off of work to try and reset. I’m not always the greatest at taking time off. I take an extra day or two combined with the weekend for a mini-vacation around the Holidays to see family and it’s often the minimum time needed. This year with everything going on really had to force my self to step back and try to reset with a staycation.…
A k8s Migration Concept
Surprisingly I don’t have a lot of kubernetes related content on my blog yet. This might just because I’m too busy using it to talk about it. But i’m a heavy user of it. To me it just makes orchestrating work loads easier. One thing in general I don’t see a lot of talk about is migrating between infrastructure. Especially don’t see much for kubernetes. So I wanted to share a high level concept set of steps that i’ve followed a couple of times to migrate between a couple of kubernetes clusters with minimal to no downtime.…
I don’t think its likely a surprise to anyone if I say I’m typically an introvert. I stay at and around home a lot in general. But when its no longer by choice.. kinda takes the fun out of it. We identified early on that we needed to keep our selves busy and entertained. Started out the quarantine with me teaching my wife to play chess. So pulled out the ‘ol Mario chess set.…
Respecting Privacy in Analytics
There is a reason why people tend to add analytics to sites. I’d say most people add for completely honest reasoning. They just want to be able to see how their site is doing and if anyone actually shows up. But its really important to go down the path with caution. If you dont carefully select and think through your analytics… You end up spying on your users likely without even realizing it.…
De-Googling: My Progress
I wrote a bit about my reasoning to De-Google here. Now I want to write a bit about my progress, the struggles and what I ended up with. Search Or Google as many think of it. This one I have toyed with off and on with over the years. But a while back probably around a year ago.. I was listening to a podcast. I think either Ask Noah Show or one of the Jupiter Broadcast Linux podcasts and was inspired to challenge my self to switch and see how it went.…
This is not by any means a new idea. A quick search around the web will return many results of people doing this. My reasons are likely similar to many others. Privacy being the most common shared reason. Ok that’s it I spoiled it! Now you don’t need to read on 😜 But I’ll explain anyways. Privacy Google gives their applications and services away for free. This is extreeemly attractive! We humans are cheap!…
Hacking in the Physical World
Hacking is often a term used to mean malicious behavior. But I believe hacking is a mindset. It’s about trying to be creative.. Taking things and making them work in a different way. It’s about not letting your self be your own limiter. Just because you’ve never done something before… doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. I don’t consider my self good at carpentry. Or using screws, hammers, power tools etc.. I’m also sure some most of the work makes professionals cringe just like I do at code by a novice.…
100 Day writing challenge
Hello its me again your friendly neighborhood Geek Gone Crazy.😜 Its been a bit less time since my last post than normal. Recently I came across a challenge on mastodon to do a 100 day writing challenge. Inspired by the 100 days of code. The idea being much like 100 days of code it encourages a person to sit down to write more often. Of course by doing this you get better at it.…
Rocket.Chat + Kubernetes + Traefik = :heart:
You could say I’ve been a docker / container fanboy for a while now… I started working with containers in a couple of previous jobs. Primarily only as aids for the build process or for maintaining the same environment between dev and production. But at my current job I got the opportunity to really go all in. At Rocket.Chat we wanted to build a cloud offering to allow people to quickly and easily deploy Rocket.…